Thursday, August 4, 2011

Steph's Goodbye

Of course of all the videos...the last of the most important ones has the worst sound and a bad picture.

However if you put in headphones and turn your volume up extremely loud you can hear most of what Steph has to say.

The essence of which she had a great summer, met fantastic people, learned a lot about her self and she will miss Nashville and the people she met here.

We(everyone you have encountered this summer) love you too Steph!!!

The Pfunky Griddle

The Pfunky Griddle
Pfunky pronounced funky with a silent P.

The last breakfast with Steph : (

On our way to Pfunky

Waiting on the food to arrive!

A Grand Cookout

The Last Big Get Together!!
Meet the CA Crew & Friends

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fancy Evening Out

Thanks to conferences having a lot more lockouts, and lost of IDs and key tags the end of the summer pizza party was replaced by a finer Italian Cuisine!!

We put on our best attire and arrived at the lovely Maggiano's last night for a great end of the summer dinner filled with lots of laughter, stuffed bellies, and plenty of candids.
Photos can be found on facebook!

These are some of the videos I took last night of the prestigious fun filled evening:

Me, Steph, Erin, Abi, and Matt all in in Steph's car excited and ready for the night at Maggiano's to begin!
This is all of us at the family style table at Maggiano' much fun!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Last Sounds

This is our last game of the Sounds:

We came full circle. The first game we lost and we ended up losing this game as well. But I did win a Belmont Bruin Bobble Head at the game!!

She Don't Dance but Boy Can She Sing

Unfortunately we were in a crowded place so you may not hear the awesomeness in her voice but is was wonderful!

The Last Supper

Actually this is our last lunch at the cafeteria in Belmont:

Sad Day

The "Reslife" Office

This is just a clip of us on a typical day in the reslife office at Belmont:

not really but I thought it would be great to see anyway.

Always Sisters, Forever Brothers

That was the name of the Gospel Concert that took place on Belmont's Campus Saturday, July 23rd!

This concert is sponsored by CeCe Winans and it was hosted by the famous "Mr. Brown" (David Mann) from Meet the Browns.

The concert featured performances by Cece, Tamela Mann, Fred Hammond, and so many other new Christian artists and rappers.

It was a great place to be.

The concert only cost $17 to sit anywhere you like!!

Here is just a taste of some of the things I got to see:

Tamela Mann singing a little bit!!

Fred Hammond was the show closer and boy did he do a great job it was truly wonderful to witness.

David Mann more commonly referred to as "Mr.Brown" was Mr.Brown that night as the host and this is just a little bit of the funny stuff I was able to take part of.

In all the clips I apologize for my is very high and does not help with the impact of the videos.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer 'N' Sounds

This summer has been one filled with Sounds games.

So it was only natural that Summer, Steph's best friend from home, actually join us at the game!!

This game we didn't buy general admission and Erin, the baseball whiz, picked out the most amazing seats...just watch!!

Sweet Treats

The video says all:

Much Deserved Sonic Happy Hour

At Belmont University, they hold true to the idea that they will not ask you to do anything they would not do including moving furniture.

All of the Belmont Residence Directors, Assistant Directors, Director of ResLife, and myself got together and set out to start the tripling process in certain halls and switching and throwing out old furniture in the other halls and apartments.

It was quite a day of true heavy lifting and hard work but it was a great bonding day for the staff and to celebrate our accomplishment of getting the tasks done on our agenda we had ourselves a quick treat during Sonic Happy Hour!

This is us waiting for the cold, good sweetness that Sonic has to offer!

Gotta Love Groupon!

Thanks to Erin finding a great deal on Groupon, Me, Erin, and Steph were able to go to the Femme Fatal Concert in Nashville for under $40 each with some pretty good seats if I say so myself!!

This is us about mid show during the 45 I REPEAT FORTY-FIVE minute intermission!

After Nicki and Before Britney it gave us some good bonding time as well as a great photo shoot of us 3.
Please refer to Steph Kane's facebook page for the photo shoot results; which came out marvelous by the way!

Saturday Fun Time!!

6 People + 1 Car
= Fun Times

Just watch for yourself!
(Look at the videos below!)

By the end Matt needed some space from us...this is him getting some air!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Pool Time

Rena and some of the ResLife Staff enjoying the pool!!

Baby you're a Firework!!!!

Epic Scavenger Hunt Day

So the day before the Fourth of July we had an epic scavenger hunt and it was a jam packed fun day!!

  • The morning started off with Breakfast in our apartment cooked by us (Steph & Rena) and our friend Erin!
  • Afterwards we had a four hour long scavenger hunt all over Nashville, TN created by Erin & Steph. The teams were the Purple Team:Matt, Austin, Laura, and Rena and the Orange Team: Abi, Cameron, and Caitrin!
The pictures and videos are kind of in reverse of the day so enjoy our fun day!!!
  • It was a tight race but we found out that both teams won at Noodles & Co. when we ate dinner!
  • Afterwards a few of us headed to the volleyball courts in Centennial few I mean 6 look at the video.
  • The night concluded with a bunch of us watching Without A Paddle!
The car ride to the volleyball courts after the epic scavenger hunt and dinner!!

This is the whole gang after the Scavenger Hunt enjoying Noodles & Company Food!!
Rena was the only one not eating noodles at the Noodle Place!

Laura, Rena, Austin & Matt aka The Purple Clue Team with the Country Music Hall of Fame very far in the Distance!!

The only Purple building on Broadway in Nashville, TN....that is us with the bouncer of Tootsies!!

At the FRIST...don't we look lovely!!!

Very blurry shot in a really fancy hotel aka Union Station!!
They had real cloths in the public bathrooms no paper about classy!!

Sad faces because the library has closed...well I think Laura was happy we made it to the next location!!

One of the Random Tasks that we had to do during the scavenger hunt. More commonly known as the Chinese Fire Drill...I was nervous we wouldn't make it hence the craziness of the video!

The other school that shares Belmont Boulevard but we know why its called Belmont and not Lipscomb!!

Group shot in front of the Belmont Mansion...just as the rain starts to pour down!!

Purple Team had just reached uncovered the third clue and this was our task!

5:30AM Breakfast on Saturday becomes a Ritual

Here we are yet again going to get breakfast at 5:30AM ....sorry about the camera angles.

At that time of the morning I am no good with the

Shaky, busy streets of downtown nashville

The night Rena went to the Wildhorse Saloon...excuse the shakiness of the camera.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Waiting on Queso & Chips from SATCo. One of the many favorite traditions of the Towering Traditions' (Belmont's overnight orientations) experience!!

Some Good 'Ol Southern Fun!!

Line Dancing...Need I say more!!!!

Driving in Circles with Anthony!!

This is my, Rena's, first driving lesson with Anthony, the director of Residence Life at Belmont!! We drove in circles literally and practiced doing left and right turns.

It is probably really boring to watch... all you see is the steering wheel move and when I'm turning the car you can see the clouds rotate.

Other than that you can hear Anthony's words of encouragement and me apologizing in my mistakes lol.

Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5:30AM Breakfast on a Saturday

Throwback Thursdays

So last Thursday we embarked on our 1st Sounds game with Erin....we had a good time unfortunately Rena's new favorite player, Taylor Green (he has an amazing name), kept striking out and the team did not win plus Omaha (the opposing team we think) were really on fire that night but there will be more Sounds' games in the future!!

Interview the RDs

Part of my (Rena's) summer internship is interviewing the new Residence Directors for the RA Newsletters and well this is what happens on the 1st day of filming and we attempt to make bloopers...real ones happen.

Oh and sorry about the camera job not my best work...hopefully you don't get motion sickness or something.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Relient K

We are at a Relient K Concert at 12th & Porter!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Table Talk at Mafiaoza's

The random conversations we have when we sit down at a table to funny!!

CA Fun Day Begins

So last night we (me and Stephanie) and a few of the CAs went out to eat at this great pizza place...this is us arriving!!

Hanging in the Director of ResLife Office at Belmont!!

So this past Friday we celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the Director of Residence Life at Belmont University and after the surprise luncheon we had for him at P.F. Changs we (me, a few of the RDs and the Director of Reslife himself) hung out in his lovely decorated office!!