Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5:30AM Breakfast on a Saturday

Throwback Thursdays

So last Thursday we embarked on our 1st Sounds game with Erin....we had a good time unfortunately Rena's new favorite player, Taylor Green (he has an amazing name), kept striking out and the team did not win plus Omaha (the opposing team we think) were really on fire that night but there will be more Sounds' games in the future!!

Interview the RDs

Part of my (Rena's) summer internship is interviewing the new Residence Directors for the RA Newsletters and well this is what happens on the 1st day of filming and we attempt to make bloopers...real ones happen.

Oh and sorry about the camera job not my best work...hopefully you don't get motion sickness or something.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Relient K

We are at a Relient K Concert at 12th & Porter!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Table Talk at Mafiaoza's

The random conversations we have when we sit down at a table to eat...so funny!!

CA Fun Day Begins

So last night we (me and Stephanie) and a few of the CAs went out to eat at this great pizza place...this is us arriving!!

Hanging in the Director of ResLife Office at Belmont!!

So this past Friday we celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the Director of Residence Life at Belmont University and after the surprise luncheon we had for him at P.F. Changs we (me, a few of the RDs and the Director of Reslife himself) hung out in his lovely decorated office!!